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A Calm Mind for A Stress-Free Life – 5 Steps

Stress affects people in numerous ways. It triggers adrenaline and other hormones, and stimulates the nervous system and immune system. Ongoing stress raises the risk for burnout and stress-related illness. While not all stress is harmful, and some can even be beneficial, chronic or toxic stress can contribute to greater health problems. Each individual’s susceptibility to stress-related illnesses varies.

It can be hard to find the balance between work and personal life and to lead a fulfilling life without stress, especially when subjected to stressors such as life challenges and tribulations, difficult relationships, divorce, or finances issues.

Chronic Stress

You are most likely to suffer from chronic stress if you experience a mix of the following symptoms:

  • Adrenal, chronic fatigue
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Agitation and restlessness; the state of constantly being ‘on-edge’
  • Muscle tension; back or neck pain
  • Sleep problems
  • Headaches
  • Gastritis, indigestion, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome
  • Heart and blood-vessel diseases
  • Loss of sex drive

Preventative Measures and Spiritual Support for Stress

We have to recognise the fact that human life depends on the functioning of the mind. As long as one is governed by the mind one continues to be human. Since we all are born with a fate, you may not have the power to change what you are facing, but you have a choice in how you face the challenges of life. Here are five steps to improve stress management:

  1. Be present and fully immersed in the moment. Take control your mind by focusing on the now, the time where the past does not exist and the future has not yet happened. The calm mind, gives calm feelings and clarity.
  2. Control your mind via detachment. Observe your thoughts, feelings and experiences, without judgment, as though from a distance. Look at yourself and the situation from a place of witness, separate from your mind. You are not your mind, your mind is your instrument. Be the master of your mind. Develop equal-mindedness towards everything. Do not brood over the past.
  3. Reduce your desires. In the journey of life, the less luggage (desires) you carry, the greater comfort your will have. The greater your desires, the less happiness you will experience. The joy we experience is in inverse proportion to our desires. Get rid of burdens caused by desire for external objects and encourage self-contentedness and feeling of gratitude. Obsession with the external world and preoccupation with the acquisition of external objects makes life burdensome.When excessive desires are entertained, will power declines. By overcoming just one negative habit, such as smoking or coffee addiction, you can experience an increase in will power and intellectual ability. Desires should be reduced to gain spiritual progress.
  4. Be fearless. With fear we cannot amount to anything. Running from pain will only result in more pain. Life is suffering and we must accept pain as our inevitable life companion. Pain is only the other side of pleasure, they are like inseparable twins. Welcome change and challenge.
  5. Accept responsibility for your own destiny. Plan your day. Plan your future. You build your future through your actions and thoughts today.

If your mind spirals out of control, causing you distress, then it is best to heal the causes of your response to stress.

If you’re looking to heal from stress and transform your mind for a successful mindset and greater performance, I would be very happy to help you. Start seeing the curative benefits and positive changes immediately with my S.C. Holistic Therapy, please see the testimonials.

Contact me on +44 (0) 7848 004400, or email: for a 60-minute initial consultation session to assess your conditions and devise a bespoke treatment plan.

Natalia Nad, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, NLP, Theta Healer, Energy-Spiritual Healer, Medium: S.C. Holistic Therapy.