If you suffer from issues such as mental health problems, psychosomatic problems, chronic physical problems, financial or career issues, the solution to these and many more can be provided by mind transformation through techniques like Theta Healing and S.C. Holistic Therapy. spiritual energy healing techniques.
Theta Energy Healing
Theta Healing was developed in 1955 by Vianna Stibal during her personal journey of recovering from a leg tumour. Theta Healing is not restricted to, or associated with, any particular religious belief system. Theta Healing is one of the most powerful energy techniques in existence and can change deep emotional blocks and negative programs on the conscious, subconscious, genetic and energy levels rapidly and permanently.
Each of us has a personal psychological and emotional map – a belief system. For some they are positive e.g. ‘I am worthy’, ‘I am lovable’ etc., and for others, negative e.g.’I am worthless’, ‘it is hard to love me’, ‘life is a suffering’, ‘love is pain’”, ‘if I am myself I will be rejected’, ‘money is evil’ etc.
Our beliefs are like unquestioned commands, telling us who we are, what we can and cannot do. They shape our perception of reality and every decision we make and action we take. What you believe you create and attract.
If any area of your life is not working, your negative beliefs causing the problem need to be changed.
In Theta Healing, the healer and the client are connected with the energy of the Supreme Consciousness, thereby receiving guidance and making instant changes, producing healing on all levels of being.
Belief work is a prominent aspect of Theta Healing. Belief systems are deeply-rooted in all levels of our minds. Theta Healing works by instantly releasing suppressed negative energy and deleting limiting beliefs, replacing them with new positive beliefs.
Trauma usually has a profound influence on our core beliefs. Traumatic experiences are known to have triggered both physical and mental health problems. Theta Healing can change your core beliefs, giving you the power to overpower traumas that have had a negative influence on your life.