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Control Your Mind to Find Inner Peace: 7 Steps That Help

Every Human Being Wants Happiness

The Buddha left his kingdom in search of permanent and everlasting happiness. Outside his palace, he saw a dead body, a sick person and a decrepit old man. Seeing this suffering, he decided to escape from the sorrows of this world and attain everlasting happiness and gave up all his worldly attachments. He did so by liberating himself from the mind. The only way to truly escape from pain is by gaining control over the mind, the necessary prerequisite to transcending the mind.

There Are Many Ways to Gain Control Over Your Mind

The mind is a bundle of thoughts. Thoughts form emotions and emotions are states of mind. Nature has provided us with ‘mind chemistry’, operations of which can be compared to the principles of chemistry. A chemist may create a deadly poison by mixing different substances in a certain way, none of which may be harmful individually. Likewise, the emotions may be combined to create a deadly combination. For example, mixed emotions of lust and jealousy may turn a person wildly insane, whereas unregistered anger may swamp one into a self-destructive spiral. The presence of destructive emotions can form a poison which may cloud your judgement as well as destroy your sense of reason and fairness.

Practice The Following 7 Steps to Channel Your Mind and Form the Life You Want:

  1. Encourage the presence of emotional well-being by feeding your mind with sacred thoughts. Observe your thinking, because what you think, you will become, do and attract. ‘When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves’, Buddha
  2. Protect your mind and senses from harmful thoughts. As commonly expressed, see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. Even in the most negative and adverse situations, something good and beneficial can be found. See good in everything.
  3. Remember, your mind is an instrument. You must control it, or it may control you. Keep the reins on your mind like on a wild horse, constantly tight, and never let it run wild. You must direct it and manage it. Control your mind through the power of your will. Control develops from persistence and habit.
  4. Your subconscious beliefs are like unquestioned commands that determine what is possible and impossible, what you can or cannot do. To make your mind do what you want it to, you need to channel it into the right direction. Do not follow the mind or the body but the Conscience, the Divine Self.
  5. As is the food, so is the mind. What you eat directly effects your mind. Pure food is conducive to purity of the mind. As is the mind, so are the thoughts. As is the thought, so is the act. As is the behaviour, so is our health. As is the character, so is the destiny. Wisdom is the flowering of the purity of the mind. By consuming animal food, animal tendencies are aroused and often result in disease and disorders.
  6. Love is the only power that is greater than the immensely powerful mind. Be selfless in your intentions and have unity in thoughts, words, and actions.
  7. See unity in diversity. The universe is one big family!

If you are looking for mind transformation to gain control over your mind and emotions, I would be happy to help you. Start seeing the curative benefits and positive changes immediately with my S.C. Holistic Therapy, please see the testimonials.

Contact me on +44 (0) 7848 004400, or email: for a 60-minute initial consultation session to assess your conditions and devise a bespoke treatment plan.

Natalia Nad, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, NLP, Theta Healer, Energy-Spiritual Healer, Medium: S.C. Holistic Therapy.