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Heal From Fetishism Disorder by Removing the ‘Virus’ from Your Mind

Steve derived sexual gratification from masochism, specifically by being sexually dominated and humiliated by women. Without such a fantasy he suffered erectile disfunction. Fetishism is a form of sexual behaviour in which gratification is linked to a particular object, activity, or part of the body to an abnormal degree. Fetishism is a symptom of deeper held issues around emotional and physical intimacy.

What causes fetishism?

Fetishism is caused by a harmful environment and manifests itself as a result of:

  • A distorted parent-child relationship
  • Observing inappropriate sexual behaviour during childhood
  • Sexual abuse
  • Experiencing early trauma or shameful and humiliating experiences
  • Character disorder
  • Mental health issues

Can you overcome a fetish?

People who develop a fetishism disorder require treatment to heal. It is extremely difficult, or close to impossible to do this without professional, specialised help.

Can talking therapies (e.g., counselling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis) heal fetishism disorder?

Talking therapies can be helpful in developing understanding about one’s fetishist compulsions, however this conscious knowledge in most cases is not enough to eliminate the root causes behind the urges. This can only be achieved by significant positive transformation of the mind.

Having a conscious awareness about a fetishism disorder can be compared to having an awareness about a virus on your hard drive. Just because you know the virus exists is not enough to remove the problem. A specific purification system must be applied to remove viruses from the computer and, likewise, the fetish from the mind. To overcome fetishism, you must eliminate the conscious and unconscious thoughts that form it.

Illness both physical and mental is caused by poisons in the mind.
An uncontaminated mind alone can ensure continuous health.
When one is not healthy, the cause must be sought in one’s actions and thoughts.
A pure mind (sacred thoughts) equates to mental and physical health.

The root causes for Steve’s fetishism stemmed from his early childhood traumas. These were related to feelings of shame caused by his controlling and punitive parents. He healed from his fetishism when he repaired his internal relationship with his parents. His mind healed and so did his emotional and physical connection with women. When the mind is healed the disease stops existing.

If you suffer from fetishism disorder and are looking for healing, I would be very happy to help you. Start seeing the curative benefits and positive changes immediately with my S.C. Holistic Therapy approach, please see the testimonials.

Contact me on +44 (0) 7848 004400, or email: to arrange a 60-minute in-person or online initial consultation session for an assessment of your conditions and a bespoke treatment plan.

Natalia Nad, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, NLP, Theta Healer, Energy-Spiritual Healer, Medium: S.C. Holistic Therapy Healing.