Our present birth came about because of karmic force and until we can get free from the entangling web of action and reaction, our karmic destiny will continue through eons of time, until eventually the journey is completed. The journey starts as granite then progresses to vegetation, animal, human, super-human and eventually the realisation of the Supreme Consciousness.
An example of how a past life effected Nat’s present life’s experience.
One morning Nat awoke with an unexplainable excruciating pain in her right ankle. It felt broken and she could not move or step on it. Consciously she was aware that nothing was wrong with it, but equally, she felt it was broken and after much agony came to see me for healing.
As I started healing the severe pain, I traced the cause. Past lives vividly flashed in front of our eyes. Each in a different body and different time but they all shared a similar thread – in all of them the cause of death was linked to the pain of a broken ankle.
In one of the past lives Nat was in a male body desperately trying to get out from a coffin which had been nailed shut. To her horror she was able to hear others surrounding her but couldn’t contact them while being buried alive! In vain screaming and kicking with the right foot to get out, the right ankle broke at the last moments of agonising death.
In another life, in a male body again, she was a Capitan who made a decision that cost his crew and his own life. His last moments of life were being trapped by the right ankle to a fast-sinking ship.
As each past life’s traumatic experience was healed, Nat’s ankle’s pain subsided. Her past lives’ unresolved traumas were directly causing the pain in her present life.
By resolving past lives’ issues, she was freed from the effect of past actions adversely affecting her present life and body. Doing so liberated her from energetic blocks in her mental and physical bodies and cured the pain in the right ankle. The pain permanently dissipated after one session.
Karmic forces from previous lives’ actions are continuously carried forward through many lives until the lesson is completed and the cycle is broken and history stops repeating itself. This example is one of many I have seen where an unexplainable pain in the physical body has a direct correlation to past lives.