Insomnia, the most common sleep disorder, involves problems getting to sleep or staying asleep.
You’re most likely to suffer insomnia if you:
- Find it hard to fall asleep and lie awake at night
- Wake up several times during the night
- Wake up early and cannot go back to sleep
- Still feel tired after waking up
- Find it hard to nap during the day even though you’re tired
- You have had trouble sleeping for months
Physical conditions affect the mind and the mind affects the body. However, most diseases and disorders have a psychological basis. Insomnia is a well-understood risk factor for depression. Having insomnia increases a person’s chance of developing depression. Because sleep issues are closely tied to many mental health disorders, healing insomnia helps to treat other mental health conditions.
Effective Treatments for Insomnia
I do not believe that insomnia can be effectively treated by psychotherapy, medication, or Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). Although commonly referred to by GPs, these modalities do not normally provide a cure.
Lifestyle is important in addressing insomnia, such as relaxation techniques used before bedtime, meditation, yoga, peace and daily exercise. Herbs and dietary supplements can be beneficial but not curative for insomnia.
Example Case: Bertice’s Insomnia
Beatrice suffered from insomnia for 23 years. She would lay in bed awake, wanting to sleep but being unable to. At work she could not wait to go to bed and to sleep. She would have short periods when she would briefly nap, but once awake could not return to sleep. She tried vitamins, therapy, CBT, clairvoyance and many other approaches but nothing worked. Because of her extreme fatigue due to her insomnia, she lived life as is if partially paralysed, everything was difficult to do due to her foggy thinking.
Beatrice Cured
Beatrice cured her insomnia by transforming her mind with my S.C. Holistic Therapy. Her mind was the only cause of her insomnia. Just as the body needs rest, the mind needs peace. It is only when we control our thinking process and slow the flow of thoughts that the mind gains some peace. Divine feelings and thoughts bring peace to the mind. Mental tension and disturbance are responsible for sickness. Removing mental pollution allowed Beatrice to enter healthy sleep.
A polluted mind causes disease. When the mind is purified, restlessness and distress cease.
Treat the Cause, Not the Symptom
If you have a sleep disorder such as significant daytime sleepiness, persistent insomnia or disturbed behaviour during sleep you should seek help. Rather than taking medication to facilitate sleep, heal instead the cause of your symptoms and learn about lifestyle choices that will promote healthy, natural sleep. Over-the-counter medications for sleep generally contain antihistamines – these won’t cure the underlying issue for your sleep problems and may leave you feeling drowsy and interfere with memory and attention.
Excessive sleep at night and/or during the day, especially in adults, requires psychological evaluation to search for any potential clinical issues, such as breathing-related sleep disorders, early dementia, depression, stress, PTSD and other mental, physical or psychosomatic issues.
If you suffer from sleepless nights and are looking for a cure, I would be very happy to help you. Start seeing the curative benefits and positive changes immediately with my S.C. Holistic Therapy, please see the testimonials.
Contact me on +44 (0) 7848 004400, or email: for a 60-minute initial consultation session to assess your conditions and devise a bespoke treatment plan.
Natalia Nad, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, NLP, Theta Healer, Energy-Spiritual Healer, Medium: S.C. Holistic Therapy.