My name is Marcel Reeves-Walker.
I am honoured to write this reference for Natalia Nad.
It is amazing to know that she even exists .
I have had the pleasure and blessings of being healed by Natalia during various very difficult stages in my life. She enabled me to understand why I was where I was and what choices I had made that took me there. She even showed me the choices that lie in front of me every single day and how I could change everything just by being more conscious about the choices that I would usually unconsciously make, all be it by predefined programs from my youth, self-justification or plain old excuses for making bad decisions.
Natalia opened my heart to be able to love again and helped me make peace with all the pain that I had collected over the years; she set it free. She set me free.
Natalia is gifted, blessed, compassionate, caring, intuitive, understanding, trustworthy, honest and most of all …… life changingly incredible!
Natalia is the reason that I am still alive!
Written with love and gratitude,
After a lifetime of being ruled by my fetish for sheer nylon, I am delighted to let you know that I am now cured and free of the fetish thanks to Natalia.
The fetish was so consuming that I was not able to function correctly, that said, at the time, I did not know about the effect it was having on me and my life. It was ruling my work, my social life and all other areas of my life. I was lying to myself, my family and my friends but had no idea of the ramifications and how this would literally make me a slave to the fetish.
I realised that I had to do something to try and find out how this was affecting me and to try and resolve it. I searched the internet to find someone who would understand my situation, it was not easy but I found Natalia.
We arranged to meet; I was very nervous but she made me feel so welcome and relaxed. Her aura was so beautiful, real and deep, it was a wonderful time and I felt so supported and cared for.
After our first session (we had 3 sessions), I realised that I felt different, like something had taken hold of me, Natalia had shown me how much my life was affected by the fetish, how it was holding me back and minimising the success of relationships. I felt that I was starting to realise that to rid myself of this was going to open up my future and feel free to find my true self.
Natalia has become a very special person to me, she has been able to give me my real life back. She is a very intelligent and highly experienced lady with years of knowledge to draw on to assist you. You can trust Natalia to be there for you, to ensure that you are supported and to help you understand your situation and allow you to take control of your life for a brighter future.
I cannot recommend Natalia more.
With all my love, always.
Mark was cured from the sexual disorder transvestic fetishism (transvestism), expressed as obsessive urges to be sexual gratified by dressing in women’s sheer nylon tights whilst in servitude to women. With each session he gradually improved until a full cure was achieved. The root causes for the fetishism disorder were repressed fears, painful memories and a character disorder. Mark had three sessions and kindly shared his experiences of healing in our fetish cure podcast. Please enjoy listening.
My issues were bereavement and the pain of a relative who had caused issues within the family. The medium, intuitive and healing abilities of Natalia not only healed me but also my deceased aunt.
Natalia listened very carefully to the issues I was experiencing with the relative. She asked me to close my eyes and as she commenced her intuitive reading as a medium, I was able to fully relax and completely take in her wonderful words and healing.
As she explained that the relative was stuck between here and heaven, she could not let go without knowing that everything was okay between us. She explained that the relative was feeling guilt and wanted to be clear of it.
Natalia genuinely didn’t know anything about my deceased aunt, which was truly astonishing as she was able to relay information about my aunt she could never have known, such as my aunt’s hand being bound to prevent her pulling out her drip or her experience of the outbreak of WWII when she was just 9 years old. At 9 years old a bomb hit her house whilst the family was at the cinema!
Natalia was able to heal much of my pain over issues the aunt caused and provided me with much deeper understanding about my aunt’s trauma. This made it very easy to change from blaming to forgiving her. I found peace and love within. It was very important to me to hear my aunt’s goodbye and all she had wanted to say in her last moments but had been unable. It all made sense and the personality of my aunt was clearly evident in how Natalia framed her questions, the revealed details and even how her tone of her voice changed to mirror my aunt’s tone and humour.
The messages Natalia received from my aunt were so accurate I was so shocked to hear them. it was like my aunt was in the room with me. It was like I was re-living times with my aunt from many years ago, right up to her death.
Natalia passed on questions from my aunt about certain of my physical ailments and family situations that Natalia couldn’t have known about. It’s amazing that it was all done remotely. I was impressed to say the least. It makes feel very touched because it has strengthened the loving bond with my aunt and healed immediately my grief and all related traumas.
It was lovely to know what my aunt was thinking about us and why she could not pass properly due to guilt. Clearly the soul seeks permission and to know that everything is okay now.
Natalia knew that I was stressed by the issues with my aunt and that my neck was in particular feeling that stress. This was absolutely correct and I was really taken aback by this insight too. Since the session I have been a lot more relaxed and peaceful and my neck has stopped feeling stressed and become far looser. I feel relieved of stress and understand my aunt far more than before my session with Natalia.
Natalia’s style is very relaxing, encompassing and deep. It was a wonderful experience and I would recommend this to anyone who is suffering with such issues.
I found my session wonderful because of Natalia’s aura, her experience and how she showed me the path of enlightenment. It was a very deep session but very pleasant. Not only have I recovered my health and released much repressed emotion, allowing my aunt to heal and pass is a benefit to all parties concerned.
Natalia is a very special lady; she has a truly wonderful and beautiful spiritual aura about her. Her experience makes me feel comfortable to open up and discuss these issues. She makes me feel completely at ease and is so kind and deeply comforting.
It was a great pleasure to be of help and support during such a painful time of great loss of his aunt. Overwhelmed with grief, suffering unresolved emotions, memories of trauma and psychosomatic ailments caused by the aunt – all healed by transforming his mind and purifying his heart. His deceased aunt was also healed during this session, finding peace and accepting my request to be released into to the light once she was satisfied with the positive changes given to Mark, herself and the messages he was to pass on to other family members. Mark and his family now think of her with love and understanding and found peace and comfort within. The approach used to heal the mind, body and soul of Mark and the mind and soul of his aunt was a single session of S.C. Holistic Therapy.
‘Εχοντας θέμα με φετίχ αρκετά χρόνια, αποφάσισα να απαλλαχτω γιατί είχε γίνει εμμονή που ενοχλούσε τη σχέση μου.
Έτσι αποφάσισα, αν και μένω στην Ελλάδα, να επικοινωνήσω με την Νατάλια στην Αγγλία. Η επιλογή μου με έβγαλε αληθινό. Χρειάστηκαν μόνο 3 συνεδρίες για να λυθεί το πρόβλημα μου απο τη ρίζα του.
Αν και ο τρόπος της μπορεί να θεωρηθεί αμφιλεγόμενος αξίζει o χρόνος και το κόστος και είναι αποτελεσματικός 100%.Συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα να ξεκινήσετε τη θεραπεία σας με την Ναταλια και θα καταλάβετε και μόνοι σας πως ο τροπος της είναι αποτελεσματικός και θα απαλλαχτείτε απο κάθε ψυχική “αρρώστια” και εμμονή.
Translation by Michael
“Having had a fetish issue for several years, I decided to get rid of it because it had become an obsession that bothered my relationship. So I decided, although I live in Greece, to contact Natalia in England. My choice made me real. It only took 3 sessions to solve my problem from its root. Although her way can be considered controversial, it’s worth the time and the cost and it is 100% effective. I strongly recommend you start your treatment with Natalia and you will understand by yourself that its way is effective and you will get rid of any mental illness and obsession.”
Michael from Greece, cured his multiple fetish addictions with my S.C. Holistic Therapy Healing within 3 remote sessions, 2021.
Natalia is simply the best. I was suffering from several fetishes for 16 years. Also from obsessive addictions over shoes, hills, feet, humiliation and sex workers.
I desperately wanted to be healed in order to have a normal life and be loyal to my wife. Initially Natalia helped me to understand my problems by asking analytical questions. Then she explained the need behind my fetish addictions and the cause of the fetishes. The final step was to heal me.
The healing session was conducted via Skype in just 1.5 hours, but it worked 100%. Since the session I’ve completely stopped, like magic. I totally ignore my fetishes. I do not wish or think about any fetishes. I no longer have a desire to be close to my wife’s feet, to watch porn, or to sniff my wife’s panties and socks. I was very surprised about the instant results as I expected to work for a much longer time with Natalia, but I am healed! Thanks for everything Natalia, I really believe that you have changed my life.
I recommend Natalia’s healing for fetishes and I encourage people who are suffering from fetishes to give her a chance to heal them because they will feel much better by living a normal life and being able to enjoy the real pleasures of life.
To heal Michael from his fetish addictions, I provided a 1.5 hour session of my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy, which heals patients quickly using a proven combination of mind and genetic reprogramming, and spiritual energy healing.
Early every morning I walk my two dogs. At the same time, urban foxes are around. They appear out of nowhere, which used to cause me to be immobile in absolute panic and terror.
I would feel they were following me and my anxiety would go through the roof. It was becoming unbearable. As the dogs have to go out, it was an obstacle I had to address. I had been suffering with a fox phobia for 55 years when I told Natalia about it. In our 30 minute session she guided me through the problem with positive thoughts and healing. This morning I saw two foxes but instead of panic and fear I felt calm and strong. Natalia has helped me so much with my fears, I feel thankful to her in so many ways.
To heal Caroline from her fox phobia, I provided one a thirty minute session of my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy. This helped Caroline to positively transform her mind on all levels (conscious, subconscious and unconscious), producing rapid and permanent changes to her mental, personal and physical wellbeing.
I knew from childhood that I’d lived before.
My first memory was ‘shit, why was I born again?’ at just three years old. I carried that burden of emotional, unexplainable pain my entire life. Seeking therapy, I tried past-life regression and hypnosis. After consistent failures, let-downs, and disappointments, I had my first emotional trauma in this life at age 27, which stuck and changed all events from that point onwards. From previously having been someone who understood how to manifest desires and dreams, I became unable to achieve. My heart broke and I lost my ability to manifest and create in this life. I was lost and suffocated, weighed down by what seemed to be just deep, consistent sadness and grief, which I could not let go of from that point forward. Sleep was my solace; my happy place. My waking moments were filled with anxiety. I had panic attacks, low self-worth and a pessimistic attitude.
Even after trying and gaining opportunities consistently, from 27 to 47 years old, I could not fulfill the opportunity and reach the ultimate goal of success. Just 20 years of consistent failure. Every project would fail, every relationship would end in disappointment and betrayal. I felt people resented me for no reason. I felt I had multiple talents but only had them to be tortured by failure. I felt people resented my talents. That if they found out that I was so multi-talented that I should be taken down a peg or two. Although I, myself, was my greatest critic, I felt everything I did was not good enough.
I would attract people that used me; that would say they admired my abilities but resented me for them in the end. Any pain of just a slight trauma would lead to contemplation of suicide. Worrying about the best way for a quick death. Death seemed so logical as living was like a living death. I realised there was no way to escape from this feeling but I worried that I would return to another life with the same pain. I understood there was no escape and that I had to resolve this in this life.
My mother, whom is highly intuitive, would say repeatedly that I had black magic on me. However, I believed that I was just a failure and that was the outcome, but part of me knew that it was not me that was a failure and that something was not right.
One evening though an introduction, I met Natalia. After meeting Natalia, she instantly saw what my mother saw; that there was something upon me. There was something wrong. She had no prior knowledge of my life. She had never met me before but she saw this dark cloud. I went to Natalia with an open mind as her being able to see this made it easier to trust her.
Her process of spiritual energy healing was not like the process I was used to or knew. Natalia asked me to make myself comfortable so I lay and closed my eyes as she seemed to tap into my deepest subconscious mind psychically. I recorded our first session and was amazed at what she picked up about my father; things she could not know. She understood that my father was one of the main roots of my trauma in this life. Pulling up past lives I could feel an understanding as to why I was holding on to traumas that did not make sense in this life.
After the first session it felt as if a weight was lifted from me. Opportunities started to enter my life, as if a tap was opened. The blockages had gone, but even I was skeptical and thought it was just in my head. But, no matter how much I tried, I could not go back to my old way of thinking, no sugar pill can do that. I began to monitor my thoughts, waiting for the negativity to flood back in, but nothing would happen. My depressive thoughts were gone. I started thinking rationally (I had room to think rationally). My brain had space instead of 1000 thoughts per minute, which would keep me up at night. I am finally realising these thoughts were not actually mine, but thoughts accumulated over many lifetimes, still torturing me in this life. Now I’m writing this testimonial I’m understanding clearly, and finally, about what was happening to me all these years. Now it makes perfect sense and I genuinely cannot thank Natalia enough. I cannot explain to you how she has done it but I can testify it has been done.
I’m finally free from severe depression. My thoughts are my own. I feel, with all the new opportunities that are now coming to me, the same positive expectation I had before I was stifled with my first trauma. I finally know how to create again. I have confidence in my talents and free from guilt about having them. I now feel and know that my talents are a blessing instead of a curse. I feel peoples’ attitude towards me, including my father’s have changed from resentment into appreciation and respect. I feel confident in asking for a fair exchange for the value of my work and I’m now receiving no resistance in this regard. I feel like I’m clear and ready to move forward. There is so much room to create!
I healed Samantha’s mental health and trauma using my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy. Samantha healed instantly. Her severe chronic depression, procrastination, suicidal thoughts, low self-worth and low self-esteem vanished. After 10 years of being unemployed, despite superior talents and gifts, her fortune returned and an abundance of grace flowed into her life. After just the first session, she was offered work unexpectedly. Able to focus, and give her all without any hindrance, her mind and life positively transformed.
Natalia has influenced my life in such a positive way. The way she connects with my life on a spiritual level has helped me to let go of the grief and trauma of my mother’s death when I was in my teens.
My nightmares for over 50 years have vanished. My heart arrhythmia, cured. I’ve transformed. Natalia’s gift is truly amazing. She is making such positive changes to so many lives. May the light of God continue to guide her.
To heal Josephine from multiple physical and psychological issues I provided three 1.5 hour sessions of my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy, which heals patients quickly using a proven combination of mind and genetic reprogramming, and spiritual energy healing.
Natalia’s healing makes you think about deeper things.
When information comes through her channelling it makes me realise how certain things have affected me and connects the dots between my unconscious and conscious minds. She’s also helped me to reconnect with gratitude, awaken to deeper knowledge. Most important of all she has helped me gain self-knowledge and a connection with my heart. Each session leaves me energised, uplifted, reconnected with my intuition and with improved self-faith, self-believe, self-trust, self-confidence and self-realisation.
There was a time in my life when I lost my connection with myself, the true self and my connection to God. I was living alone, which led to sicknesses, but immediately after the first session positive things started to form in my life and my personality positively changed. I now see peoples’ pain and I removed anger from my heart and mind. Anger is gone, resulting in deeper connections, emotional intimacy, more compassion, greater understanding, more presence, more happiness. Finding me has been the treasure. Traumas have left my body and my pain is gone.
I was open to the session with Natalia but the proof came in how different I felt after the session. The immediate proof was the inner change; the way I felt was very different. I would just open up and let Natalia do whatever she needed to do.
What Natalia’s sessions have given me is a realisation that you are more than you think you are. It is an identity change, to something greater and more. She taught me what we must become, use, and trust. As with God, the self is never short of anything.
To heal Lawrence from multiple physical and psychological issues I provided my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy, which heals patients quickly using a proven combination of mind and genetic reprogramming, and spiritual energy healing.
My healing experience with Natalia has been wonderful and something I have never experienced before. Her healing method is very different; you could say divine.
She helped me to recognise and remove my blocks with uncanny insight and taught me how to identify and deal with future triggers, however difficult they may seem. I feel completely different and ready to take on the world with knowing! I trust my intuition again and now know how I can use it as a tool.
She has left me with a clarity that I haven’t felt for years and now I know I can move forward with positivity and happiness.
To heal Susan I provided three sessions of my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy, which heals patients quickly using a proven combination of mind and genetic reprogramming, and spiritual energy healing.
When I first met Natalia, I was at a crisis point in my mental health that was impacting my physical health, work, and family relationships.
I also had no one I could safely turn to. Throughout that crisis period, Natalia’s compassionate, patient and thorough approach to therapy gave me the vital crux I needed, not only to work through my severe depression and anxiety day-to-day, but also to apply for my dream job at an industry-leading firm. Thanks to her invaluable support I live a much fuller life, have received a promotion and developed a completely different, healthier, perspective.
Natalia’s approach is extremely deep and takes you on a journey to the roots of why you developed your condition in the first place. Whilst the days of crisis are far behind me, my sessions with Natalia have taught me a precise consciousness of my thoughts with two very empowering results:
1) She helped me to discover my full sense of identity; exploring talents and beliefs I had not had sufficient self-belief to explore before.
2) She has transformed the way I view other people; enabling a greater sense of self-awareness, empathy and compassion that has transformed my relationships.
The fact that Natalia has been able to improve my life from the depths of crisis to everyday healthy living is testament to the breadth of her skills. She can transform the life of anyone with an open mind and a desire to improve.
I healed Olivia using my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy, which heals patients quickly using a proven combination of mind and genetic reprogramming, and spiritual energy healing.
Natalia has changed my life forever. She truly is an amazing therapist; incredible, accomplished and always learning and growing (unlike other therapists, she doesn’t find one technique and just do that for 20 years).
Her talent and power at what she does is unmeasurable. She has helped several of my friends too and my closest friend and I always joke, ‘we can take on anything in life, as long as we have Natalia’. I believe anyone could go to Natalia with any issue and she could heal you from it.
The levels she goes to, to heal you from deep inside out is far beyond any normal therapist and I don’t believe there is anything she couldn’t handle.
One of her best qualities is her kind, caring aura, and approach. She instantly makes you feel comfortable and you know you are in a safe space with her, she will never judge or push you in a particular direction. She just helps you to heal, choose your own direction and go at your own pace.
But ultimately another amazing quality of hers, is that she truly wants you to get better. She is there to get results, to make big positive changes in your life, so that you aren’t still seeing her in a few years time.
Again, a lot of therapists are happy and comfortable treating people for years and until I met Natalia I didn’t realise how bad and unnecessary that is.
You just need to get to the root causes, heal those and work through the layers to change your life for the best and with long term results.
I saw Natalia regularly for 1-2 years and now I see her a couple of times a year, whenever I have the occasional mini emotional breakdown. She just helps me to see things clearly and reminds me of the root causes that lead me to act this way.
She truly is incredible and, I cannot say this enough, she will heal you in ways you never dreamed possible.
I personally never knew a life like I live now was even possible.
I suffered from depression, suicidal thoughts, anger, fear, self-sabotage, lack of self-worth (even though from the outside it would appear I was very confident and strong), mild addictions, all-or-nothing beliefs with relationships, trying to buy love, bad relationship choices, rudeness, hurt and anger from childhood (that at the time I wasn’t willing to accept or appreciate how it could, and does, effect our everyday lives as adults).
Our work together has improved every aspect of my life, my work and my relationships (family, friends, dating). I continue to grow, learn and heal, but I could never have got to where I am, or broken down the barriers, or even understood what was going on, without the incredible work I did with Natalia.
I wish everyone could experience Natalia.
To heal Lucy I provided my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy, which heals patients quickly using a proven combination of mind and genetic reprogramming, and spiritual energy healing.
I really do feel blessed and grateful that I found Natalia. They say people cross your path for a reason and I don’t think it will take you long to realise how powerful she is combining her energy healing with psychotherapy and that you too will feel that you have found your fairy godmother.
I felt totally drained, lost all motivation and had just zoned out, but with the combination of talking things through and Natalia’s limitless skills and incredible healing powers, she slowly started to peel back the layers and alter patterns that I was unaware had been holding me back over the years. Natalia just has this wisdom, the ability to ‘know-ingly know’ and sees exactly what needs to be cleared and healed from past experiences. In the sessions, there’s a perfect balance between therapy and energy healing. Sometimes when you are all talked out, it’s nice to just breathe out and just let the healing take over. Now, with a fresh new revitalised outlook and feeling more energised and vibrant, I’m excited to keep going down the path of self-discovery and realignment. Having Natalia in your corner makes you think anything is possible. She really does have special magical powers and I feel very lucky to have met her. It’s all still an ongoing journey, but I feel like I am slowly being totally re-booted and excited to see what the future holds. I can’t thank you enough.
I could go on…..
With all the struggles with mental health and illness in the world right now, I can’t believe people aren’t queuing around the block to see her. You will think you have hit the jackpot once you’ve experienced how wise and powerful she is. It’s like having a secret unicorn by your side. THANK YOU SO MUCH.”
To heal Lucy I provided my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy, which heals patients quickly using a proven combination of mind and genetic reprogramming, and spiritual energy healing.
I wish to thank Natalia for being a wonderful therapist. Throughout the years that I have seen Natalia, she has been non-judgmental, understanding and empathetic.
Natalia ws such a light and pillar of support throughout some of my darkest days of depression. Even though coming to see Natalia for therapy sessions was really tough on days when I found it hard to even get out of bed, I’m glad I did because she gave me healing and some sort of relief. I’m glad I had someone so non-judgmental to talk to, and someone to unload some of my anger, depression, and troubles onto.
What is the most incredible thing about Natalia as a therapist is that she is always so non-judgmental. I feel like I could say anything to Natalia and not be judged and that’s a wonderful feeling to have when I sometimes feel that the whole world is judging me and I’m afraid to be myself.
So, thank you Natalia! I’m so glad I found such a wonderful therapist.
To heal Chai from his addiction to alcohol and drugs, severe depression, anxiety, identity loss, stress, and self-sabotage, I provided weekly sessions of holistic healing, psychotherapy, and spiritual energy healing.
Before seeing Natalia, I had many issues that I needed help resolving. I had a mother that was increasingly irritating (I could barely spend five minutes with her without snapping), my speech was extremely slow and monotone and my successes were hindered by illness and injury, which was incredibly frustrating.
For many years, I couldn’t maintain success and kept on failing. Subconsciously self-sabotaging success, I kept myself working hard to get to the top, only to repeat the process over and over. I had trouble connecting with women. I couldn’t see myself anywhere near a relationship owing to the fact that I was so disconnected from women. I had concentration and memory issues. My inspiration was lacking. I took a variety of medications to try and support my concentration.
What changed is when I started coming to see Natalia. She told me that I should start coming off my medication, which I did. I’m now 100% entirely medication-free and I have better retention and concentration than I’ve ever had before. My spelling and writing used to be very bad before the sessions and are now much better. It was very bad in comparison to now. I could barely spell anything and now my spelling is very good. I can spell the hardest words in the dictionary. We worked on my ADHD also. I used to find it very hard to sit still and now I find it very easy to sit still and focus on specific tasks, one at a time.
I had difficulty with retention when it came to reading. I could read a single page of a book five times and still not be able to recall what was written, which was extremely frustrating as I study many academic subjects which require me to be able to recall what I’ve just read. Now, without medication, I am able to retain much more information. I can actually now read a book and be able to extract the information I need to use in my essays. Previously, I had a mental block when I came to go into lessons, I found it very tiring. I was just constantly tired for no reason, even if I didn’t have training. I was just tired all the time but Natalia worked on that. Now I’m alert in lessons, I don’t constantly feel tired, I’m much happier and able to concentrate. With the help of Natalia and her holistic healing integration of spiritual energy healing with hypnotherapy my dyslexia is now cured.
One other issue that I suffered prior to my sessions with Natalia was IBS. Everything and anything I ate, would cause me to bloat. I also couldn’t hydrate myself. No matter if I drank four-plus litres of water every single day. I took hydration salts, electrolytes but, no matter what, I could not hydrate my body. Now I don’t get bloated and hydration has gotten a lot better. I still have to drink lots of water because I do a lot of exercise but at least now my body actually hydrates.
I found the sessions very eye opening. They helped me on a level I’d never really explored before. The subconscious mind is far more powerful than the conscious mind and I think Natalia is one of the very few people that are able to truly work on the subconscious mind and transform you into a much more enlightened human being.
Healing with Natalia is one of the most powerful experiences you will encounter because of what you notice in yourself after the sessions. I saw changes from the very first session. It’s not a long process to see results in yourself. I’ve been on medication for maybe six years and I fully withdrew from my medications within three months of seeing Natalia. Results are fast and you transform mentally. Natalia brings forth and introduces all kinds of new knowledge and wisdom in you. For example, ways of living life that you would have never have even considered, thought about, or heard of. You will see how the world really works and how you can use that to help yourself. Truly unlock the fantastic.
To heal Josh from his issues of poor concentration, memory recall, difficulty connecting with woman, self sabotage, procrastination, depression, ADHD, dyslexia and IBS, I provided six sessions of my Supreme Consciousness Holistic Therapy; a holistic approach of psychotherapy and spiritual-energy healing.
I had the pleasure of receiving online analytic psychotherapy and spiritual energy healing sessions from Natalia for over six months and I do not know where to begin to describe my journey and how much of a positive impact Natalia has made on my life.
Natalia has very gently and skilfully led me to realise my full potential. Each problem or issue that I needed addressing was carefully unpacked and I was led down the path of love and understanding of myself, those around me and the universe as a whole. I was able to heal wounds from the past, to listen to and protect my inner child and to untangle misunderstandings and misconceptions that I had formed in unhealthy relationships. I was able to find my own strength, learn how to be my own support and find the joy in my life that I had forgotten about.
Instead of trying to avoid or run away from the pain of my past and present, or any fears about the future, I learned how to understand myself and my feelings better. I learned how to address what was holding me back, feel whatever I needed to feel and find a way to move on. Most importantly of all, Natalia has given me the tools to use in difficult situations that I can use whenever I need them. I feel that now I can analyse the situations that I am in and find healthy ways to more forward.
Natalia has an extremely caring approach and a very deep knowing of the soul. She has a gift for understanding exactly what I am trying to say (a lot of the time even better than I understand myself). I am forever grateful that our paths crossed and I hope that one day we will meet in person.
To heal Victoria from multiple mental and emotional issues, I provided sessions of my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy, which combines the practices of psychotherapy and spiritual energy healing.
You might find yourself asking questions about yourself on a personal level or your career. The topic of choice for a session with Natalia can really be anything you decide.
A session with Natalia is absolutely unique and quite frankly like no other experience. She has a pure gift of assisting people with profound and rapid transformations. She analyses your life situation as a very experienced therapist (psycho-analytic psychotherapist, psychic and spiritual energy healer) and knows intuitively which approach is best suited to address your chosen issue.
Natalia provides very deep insight from a perspective that you would not have had or previously considered. She is able to look into your mind. However, it goes much deeper than your average and predictable analysis and advice. The real essence of your topic is tackled and unraveled in unimaginable ways. After the session you are in awe of what just happened. You are then armed with a fresh understanding, connection of all the dots related to the topic (the causes, effects and solutions).
It is a therapeutic experience and you feel renewed with a deep sense of re-orientation towards your true objective. You have a new plan and a new path forward.
Sessions with Natalia are definitely an enlightening experience and difficult to explain here. It is like having mind surgery, but very relaxing and soothing. It is something that you just have to experience for yourself. My mind has positively transformed and so has every area of my life. I highly recommend Natalia’s therapy and healing services for any psychological, spiritual, or psychoso-matic issues.
To help Bawo heal and positively transform his unfortunate life situation (six years of unemployment, very low self-confidence, chronic depression, loss of direction, and financial problems), I provided my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy, a combination of holistic healing, psychotherapy, and energy spiritual healing. This positively transformed Bawo’s life, his heavy money karma, debt, and mental health problems. His improvement was visible after each session and after seven sessions (two hours each), his depression had healed, he gained employment, his life became purposeful and he’s moving towards a brighter future.
If you want to tackle your innermost demons with the friendliest healer, you must meet Natalia. Many therapists I have seen in the past have identified various issues but they never managed to go beyond making me feel good in the short-term. I was fooling myself that I was better.
Natalia managed to tap into my subconscious mind and reveal to me the underlying issues I was trying to deal with since childhood. It is, after this, that she started her real work. Her ability to tap into the universal energies to fix and rewire my thinking is beyond my understanding. Not only did she deal with psychological issues, but she managed to heal me rapidly from a stroke and its neurological side-effects as well. I would very highly suggest anyone seeking psychological or physiological help to meet Natalia and receive the healing she can offer to the mind, body, and soul, to become permanently cured of illness.
I healed Kasun of his mental and physical issues using my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy. His physical and mental health issues disappeared after just five sessions. With spiritual healing, his mind rapidly transformed. His mental and physical health was restored and he healed from issues induced by his stroke (difficulty to focus, cognitive disfunction, stress, procrastination, nose bleeds, and traumas/PTSD). I also helped to remedy his low self-worth, relationship issues, confidence problems, and general life stagnation. Healing all levels his mind (conscious, subconscious and unconscious) including his past and present lives (without a need to regress), as well as DNA/genes healing, resulted in rapid and permanent positive changes for Kasun.
I have gone through a lot of stresses (personal and professional) in my life, and I cannot imagine how I would have coped without Natalia’s professional psychological and spiritual help.
As a surgeon dealing with urgent lifesaving cases daily whilst going through a difficult divorce, I would not have been be able to navigate this period in my life without Natalia’s help.
Natalia is very trustworthy and very supportive. Although her spiritual healing and therapeutic methods are medical practices, I find them extremely helpful. Immediate relief of stress is guaranteed from her sessions. The mind shifts into clear focus on the job and the bigger picture of life, no matter how hard or complex. She is able to broaden the ability of the mind to take on multiple tasks with successful outcomes in each.
Natalia is also like a life guide, a spiritual guide and a life coach, in addition to being a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and energy spiritual healer. I believe she’s doing an excellent job. Whatever I bring into the session, it could be a sexual problem, fetish dependency, sexual abuse, broken heart, life stagnation, bad fortune or relationship issues, she excels equally well in resolving all issues rapidly and permanently. I don’t think I could be where I am today without her professional support and help. I think she’s wonderful. She’s very warm hearted, she’s very open, she’s very friendly and extremely confidential. She would listen to anything you wish to talk about. She is very empathetic and she really, really, really has very good experience of helping. When she sees the results you can see how genuinely happy she becomes when she helps people. That is something, which is very helpful for us, because she really cares about us. Thank you.
To heal Alex heal from his chronic stress, sexual problems, fetishism, identity loss, depression, relationship problems, and intimacy problems, I provided a holistic approach of psychotherapy and spiritual energy healing.
I saw Natalia in a very difficult period in my life. I lost my dearly beloved partner.
I was in constant pain, physical and emotional. I couldn’t stop crying. I couldn’t eat. I fell into a deep depression through grief. I couldn’t find myself. I lost all my friends. I couldn’t talk to anybody. I didn’t want to ever be in any relationships. I felt nobody could replace my love. I lost my holy moon. We had such big plans together and for the rest of our lives. I was in real pain for many months, emotional and physical. My new job started to suffer as well.
I met Natalia a year after the funeral. I had one hypnotherapy combined with spiritual energy healing session and she helped me. She just returned me back to life. I started seeing people. I started going out. I returned to work. Now, I’m in a very happy place. I met a very good man who loves and cherishes me and I’m very, very happy. I really want to say a big thank you to Natalia for the help she gave me at such a difficult time in my life.
To heal Victoria from her feelings of depression and grief, I provided an integration of hypnotherapy and spiritual energy healing. She had one session, lasting two hours, which positively transformed her mind on all levels (conscious, subconscious and unconscious). Victoria rapidly healed from her depression and grief, healed her broken heart, and soothed her soul.
Natalia’s approach is professional, patient, and non-judgmental. She is extremely effective. Before I found Natalia, I tried CBT for six years and other psychotherapists and hypnotherapists. All focused and worked on the symptoms, but not the underlying cause, deeply buried in my unconscious. I didn’t progress, even when I thought I did. I would relapse over and over. I wasted so much money and time but my suffering was taking over my life. Natalia didn’t focus on alleviating symptoms, but on the elimination of their root causes. She worked on positively transforming my DNA and positively transformed my mind. She accessed (without regressing me) my many past lives and healed my many times broken heart. Not limited by knowledge, healing, or therapy tools, she resolved the multiple underlying causes of my problems permanently. I no longer suffer with sexual addictions, depression or an eating disorder. Natalia helped me to gain full control over my overeating and obsessive binging. She stopped the vicious cycle and I’m now medication free and forever grateful.
To heal Hugo from his eating disorder, sexual addiction, and depression I provided six sessions of holistic healing, psychotherapy, and energy-spiritual healing.
After Natalia’s spiritual energy healing integration with hypnotherapy, I feel this immense sense of power. I can do anything that I want to do and I was someone that was lost for 10 years. I didn’t know what to do before I came to see Natalia.
I felt completely powerful after my first session. I’ve gone back to who I was. Also, even in my movement now, even in my muscles, I can feel this real sense of power. I can take on anything and know I’m lovable and beautiful. I don’t need to hide behind conflict. I don’t need to hide behind another character. I don’t need to walk on eggshells around people who don’t understand why I’m doing what I said. That’s in one session so imagine 12 sessions from now. I’m going to be a completely different person.
It’s never too late to ask for help. I believe that Natalia came into my life because God guided me to the right help. Natalia is someone that’s going to help. She is going to understand you. Please, please, please, please, please, if you need help, see Natalia. I’m not just saying this. I’m not someone that would say something that I don’t endorse. I genuinely believe in this 1,000,000% honestly and I’m the most skeptical person you’ll ever meet. I used to be so negative but honestly come to Natalia and see for yourself.
To heal Anett from issues of identity loss, severe anxiety, depression, self-destruction, self-disconnection, negativity, and low confidence, I provided a holistic approach of hypnotherapy and spiritual energy healing over four hours.
Natalia is absolutely amazing. She really tackles a whole range of issues. It gets quite personal, but she will help you to open up and really understand the issues you have in your life.
Natalia is really the person to see because she can really drill down into the deep issues with her natural abilities to heal. She really has a good healing energy and I believe that she’s really transformed my life.
I’ve noticed a huge benefit from only a few sessions. It’s really something I can’t recommend enough. Just make sure you have at least one or two sessions with Natalia and the sessions will speak for themselves. Don’t be afraid, just go for it. Really try it because it’s helped me and I’ve been to other healers and seen other people but Natalia has a gift. If you really want to tackle any types of issues, I think Natalia can really help you out. It’s just a different approach as she gets really deep. Natalia uses a combination of psychology and natural healing. It’s difficult to explain but I think that Natalia has a gift. Her credentials speak for themselves in terms of psychotherapy and when you combine that with her natural healing abilities, she can really analyse and psychoanalyse.
You understand the root problems and Natalia provides a solution to those problems with her natural healing abilities. You feel a sense of calm in sessions, you just feel totally at ease. You feel a great space, surrounded by great energy.
Natalia can actually step into that space with understanding of your issues and help you in practical terms to resolve them. I’m a shy person but I am comfortable in her sessions. She’s 100% confidential and anything you discuss stays between you. I think Natalia reminds me of a kinesiologist in terms of her methodology. With testing, in terms of your acceptance of the healing energies that she transmits. I could probably equate it to that in a psychotherapy/ healing/ kinesiology mixed up altogether. So it’s amazing because I don’t think there’s anybody else that does this. She combines all the different practices together.
To help Kalum transform his life, following many years unemployment, misfortune, feelings of low self-worth and low-self-confidence, grief, OCD and addictions, I provided four hours of holistic healing, an integration of psychotherapy with spiritual energy healing.
Natalia is a naturally beautiful and caring soul from inside as well as out. An astonishing combination of talents and ways of healing. There are many therapists out there, yet there’s only one Natalia.
All methods are used with utmost perfection. Love, peace and harmony to others is her passion. Inner understanding and feelings are Natalia’s God given gifts, allowing the world to benefit. Natalia, dear, may you forever be well and healthy. Always see success and blessings in all you do. As you open doors of light, may they forever remain open to you, your family, and clients.
To heal Karl from his psychological and psychosomatic problems, his oversensitive penis, and his sexual problems, I provided six sessions of psychotherapy and spiritual energy healing.
I had hypnotherapy and spiritual energy healing sessions with Natalia and many positive things happened as a result.
Since age 12 I’ve had loss of hearing in my left ear. When it was medically diagnosed it was put to me that I need a hearing aid. Through sessions with Natalia, we worked on the causes of the hearing issues I’d experienced through childhood; how I didn’t want to hear, refused to hear and shut myself off by closing my hand on one ear and pushing the other against a pillow. As a child I would fall asleep this way. It was connected to my parents arguing and violence in the home. Over the sessions I found my hearing came back (22 years later) and I’ve since had it tested again with no medical issues found to exist. There’s been no need for a hearing aid, so that’s been a big change.
Other things also changed. I had not been able to stand up, present and talk in front of groups. It always terrified me. I’d hide, stay quiet and I wouldn’t voice any opinion. I would just stay in the background, but now I’m actually excited and look forward to presenting. Others enjoy my presentations and positively talk about me, my work and ideas. What used to be terrifying is now fun and enjoyable; something I look forward to.
In addition, Natalia also helped me to process difficult situations in life, including how to come to terms with different things, be more myself and be able to talk with others without cutting myself off or isolating. I’m more sociable and spend more time with friends, family and colleagues. I also live life more enjoyably. My life is now more fun and happy. I don’t really feel depressed, lonely, or sad anymore, even if I am on my own. It’s a much more peaceful, happier time and I’m able to do what I want, without feeling the pressure of having to do what others expect. I just feel a lot happier and a lot more myself again.
Before Natalia, this wasn’t possible and I couldn’t be myself. I was having to be hidden, with low self-confidence and low self-esteem. My confidence was at rock bottom but now it’s much higher and, in addition, I no longer procrastinate. I was probably one of the worst at procrastinating. Everything would be put off to the last minute or the last possible point. I think that just created more stress, more pressure, in my life, whereas now that is gone thanks to the sessions with Natalia. Now I’m able to just do things when I should be doing them, or when I need to do them, and everything has sort of lifted. Life is much less stressful and more pleasant for me. I can do what I want, when I want, and not be stuck and stressed.
What I liked about Natalia’s healing and therapy session is that we would look at the root cause of the problems and not just find a quick fix. We would work on a subconscious level and find out what would trigger the emotions and behaviours in me (conscious level). Through the sessions we’ve worked out how to heal these. That’s probably one of the main things I like.
I would look forward to my sessions with Natalia. It’s reassuring that I could find a resolution to my problems. Healing with Natalia is always relaxing, which is, I guess reassuring and I always came away feeling so much better than I had before coming into a session. It’s always quite good fun, interesting, very helpful, and it’s helped me on so many different levels. It’s about working with someone that you know cares and is interested in you, who you are, what you do and how to make you ‘you’ again. To bring the best out of you to, to help you to reconnect back to you, and realise your full potential. I feel more myself than I have done for such a long time. So much better. So much happier.
I recommend Natalia to anyone. Whatever you’re struggling with, be it physical, mental or medical issues. I think it can benefit anyone because of the combination of different kinds of therapy. Different issues need different approaches. So it helps. I think anyone would benefit.
To heal Nathan from hearing loss for over 22 years, confidence problems, low self-belied, procrastination, relationship problems, and sexual problems, I provided holistic healing, an integration of hypnotherapy and spiritual energy healing. Short-term therapy and healing positively transformed his mind on all levels (conscious, subconscious and unconscious) resulting in rapid and permanent relief from his mental health issues.
There are many people who say they have the ability heal those in pain but there are very few who actually have the true gift to heal. Natalia is one of those exceptionally gifted individuals whose energy and spiritual healing helped me immensely after a traumatic time in my life.
Her natural ability to connect with you at a deep, spiritual and sub-conscious level goes way beyond any therapy known today. The energy spiritual healing allowed for immediate shifts in my core belief systems, giving me an immense sense of clarity and focus.
I loved that it’s not a long drawn-out process, even more so that the results are fast and outstanding. I feel much more at peace with myself and have a much deeper self-understanding and connection to myself.
We are all on a journey to find ourselves and have questions about our lives and the path that we are on. Sometimes we can get lost. Natalia has the incredible ability to help you navigate back by unblocking what we think we know and helping you to realise what we are too scared to face, all with a gentle and genuine approach.
I cannot recommend Natalia enough. It was truly a blessing to have found someone as special as her who actually does what they say they can do and changes your life for the better.
To heal Anushka’s mental and emotional problems, I provided my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy. She healed from the urge to self-destruct, released all repressed pain, stopped comfort eating, stopped choosing troubled men, and healed her grief and depression. All this was achieved in just three, two-hour, sessions after which she found her peace within.
I first came to see Natalia following a very difficult period of my life.
Inevitably, my presenting symptoms were just that, symptoms of deep-rooted underlying unconscious beliefs, which had manifested themselves over years of simply living. Whilst I understood that they had all developed normally and naturally as part of the ‘human condition’ to protect and serve me, I nevertheless felt trapped in repeating cycles of circumstance, unable to achieve the goals and happiness I desired. As if something I was completely unaware of was holding me back.
Natalia’s approach and wealth of experience chimed with my understanding of psychology, health, and wellbeing. She utilised an effective range of tools and techniques to help me strip away the layers of redundant or unhealthy beliefs and address core issues I had buried deep in my subconscious. Her approach is professional, patient and non-judgmental. Above all, it is extremely effective. Many therapeutic approaches and therapists I have come across focus on the symptoms, not the underlying cause. Alleviating symptoms offers temporary assistance but, unless the underlying cause is managed, those symptoms will inevitably reoccur. Natalia’s approach provided me permanent, long-term benefits.
We are all different and we all progress at our own pace. However, I have been surprised at how rapidly I have noticed shifts and changes in my life. I no longer feel trapped in the same patterns of behaviour or frustrated at not realising my dreams and desires. My life now feels much more optimistic, fulfilling and above all happy. I would recommend Natalia to anybody who is human, regardless of whether they think they have ‘issues’ or need ‘therapy’. You don’t always know what’s been holding you back until it no longer is.
To heal Andrew, I used my Supreme Holistic Therapy Healing, a holistic approach that integrates psychoanalytic psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and spiritual energy healing (past lives, DNA and present life rapid healing). His mental health issues were healed by fixing the root causes of his low self-worth, traumas, low self-love, relationship problems and sexual problems. His mind was positively transformed and permanent positive changes were evident after each session, manifesting in positive personality changes and an improved life.
We had four sessions of spiritual energy healing (Natalia’s healing and hypnotherapy). Each session always feels different as it caters for each psychological, mental and emotional need but in general, there is a feeling of soothing and instant relief.
In my first session, I had a very powerful experience. I remember it very clearly. It was almost like my whole body was tingling and it was like energy was washing through it from top to toe. It was illuminating. It felt extremely soothing, extremely loving and extremely caring. It was really as if there’s somebody there who really loves and cares for you. So, that was magical.
The next session was again very soothing, whilst tackling issues. Each subject gets covered and resolved. One of the nice things about spiritual energy healing (Natalia’s healing integrated with psychotherapy and hypnotherapy treatments) is that it’s as if you have no fear. It is hard to describe. You feel empowered and hopeful and like you belong. It’s like an internal power, which is a very empowering power. So, it’s a sense of freedom, also a feeling of freedom from any mental, emotional or life inhibitions.
To heal Inna from issues of grief, self-worth, anger, and traumas, I provided spiritual energy healing on all root causes and in all parts of mind (conscious, subconscious, and unconscious). In just four sessions Inna experienced lasting and positive changes to her mental wellbeing, outlook and self-esteem.
I find the group spiritual healing and meditations are extremely helpful because a very diverse group of people attend from different areas of life. You look at different aspects of life from everyone’s angle, their problems and their issues. Some of our issues reflect the same problems but in a different way.
Natalia’s spiritual healing with meditation really helps us to get rid of the stress, find our inner self and actually focus on our real purpose in life. She’s made us realise that it’s our inner self, inner world and mind that is going to change. What is around us reflects what’s within. The mind is positively reprogrammed with profound mind transformation and positive thinking, which give us good results. This positive broad mind transformation and the awareness of the mind’s power in the meditation sessions are extremely valuable.
After the spiritual-healing session (just as it is in face-to-face sessions with Natalia) I feel very relaxed and focused. To continue to have these sessions is extremely important because it is like a gradual training programme. It’s like a gradual build up of mental and personal growth, which is part of our personal development, and keeps us maturing and able to be more progressive in life. To become a better person and achieve greater things, personally as well as professionally.
Spiritual energy healing helps you in your professional life a lot because it calms and relaxes. As the mind expands, with Natalia’s positive programming and purification, I handle stress better, have more self-believe, self-trust and confidence. My job as a heart surgeon is quite stressful. It has different aspects of stresses and I find these spiritual healing in meditation sessions are very, very, helpful in helping me to cope with my job and life overall.
To help Anil rebuild confidence, calm and self-belief, necessary for a healthy response to the high pressures of heart surgery, I provided an integration of psychotherapy and spiritual energy healing (short term therapy/healing).
I can’t recommend Natalia enough. Genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, she has truly changed my life.
You know she’s touched on very many subjects that I would have never thought was the cause of the way I was feeling and the way I was behaving (depression, suicidal, substance addiction, anger, self-sabotage).
I feel that she’s a very good therapist and a healer in that she actually really listens to what you want to achieve. She’s just amazing and it’s really changed my life. I would just say if you’re interested, or you’re thinking about having therapy, psychotherapy, or healing, just just go for it. Regardless of how dark your thoughts or feelings might be, Natalia will instantly make you feel comfortable and also make you feel like whatever you say is going to be completely confidential and judgement-free. You know one of the things I’m so grateful for now is that my mind is so much quieter. I don’t have all the dizziness of all the stuff that I was worrying about before. I stopped taking drugs. I became much more confident, stable, and successful. If you’re thinking about having therapy, go and book your session with Natalia.
To heal Natalie from her drug addictions, self-sabotage, depression and very low self-confidence, I provided an integration of hypnotherapy and spiritual energy (short-term therapy/healing).
I have seen Natalia for a while and I’d like to tell you about my journey with depression and my many fears. Once a week, I undergo a one hour integration of psychotherapy and spiritual energy healing with Natalia.
Now my life is totally, totally, happy. Before meeting Natalia, my depression was so severe that GPs were thinking of giving me shock treatment, but I flatly refused.
I tried CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) for two years but it didn’t help, only made things worse. I had been crying after each session and I wasn’t progressing.
Until I met Natalia, all I was thinking about was death. I wanted to die. I tried to kill myself many times by overdosing on tablets. I used to overdose and self-harm a lot. I used to numb my feelings with cigarettes and drink. I developed alcohol, smoking and gambling addictions. Mixing the drink, the tablets, and online shopping would give me some kind of outlet, but I was getting worse and worse and eventually became bankrupt.
Doctors and psychiatrists knew there was no progress. Although heavily medicated, they just kept telling me I was severely depressed and did not think I would come out of this. My wife told me recently that she didn’t think I was going to make it. But I met Natalia and the healing work we’ve done brought me to a place I never thought I’d get to. I’m happy. I’m looking forward to the future. Something I could never do. I can look in the mirror and I’m just happy to be alive, happy to be here. Now medication-free, I’m feeling just great. Just really good.
Natalia healed my depression, phobias, fears and physical condition of inflamed kidneys with stones. For about 30 years I suffered kidney problems. This gave me a great deal of pain and urine infections. One day, when I came to see Natalia for my psychological problems, I had really great pain so she did spiritual healing on my kidneys. After 45 minutes, the problems was gone. I fell asleep as soon as she started healing. When I awoke I found myself pain free. I still went to the hospital for my NHS scheduled X-ray, but I was informed my kidney had gone back to normal size and there were no stones. The doctor thanked me and said: I should congratulate you, I cannot explain this but your kidneys are healthy. That was all done by Natalia. So I used to suffer pain, inflammation, and infection, and it has never come back. I’ve never had it since.
I’d like to say to people if they’re feeling down, low, depressed, anxious, or experiencing psychological, physical, chronic, or psychosomatic problems, see Natalia because she’s fantastic and will help you. My life has totally changed because she’s helped me in a way that I never thought possible. Spiritual energy healing helped me a great deal. It just wiped out all the guilty feelings I had. It’s just wiped them all out. All sexual, emotional, mental and physical abuse I experienced as a child and as a teenager is no longer there. If you have any problems, come to see Natalia because you won’t have them for long if you do.
To heal Caroline from her health problems of depression, self-harm, anxiety, fears, phobias, low confidence, and inflamed kidneys, I provided holistic healing (an integration of psychotherapy and spiritual energy healing). Short term therapy and healing positively transformed her mind on all levels (conscious, subconscious and unconscious) leading to rapid and permanent improvements of her mental health, physical health, personality and life.
I came to see Natalia with many problems, including severe anxiety and PTSD linked to both my parents dying from heart attacks. I was unhappy, very stressed and not happy with anything in my life. Since coming to see Natalia, I feel my confidence is much higher. I got my grief out.
After Natalia’s deep work on my conscious and subconscious mind, I became a better person. I was down and very low. I wasn’t living my life. Now I look forward to living my life.
Before I didn’t believe anyone could help me. Sessions are very structured in getting responses. I would recommend Natalia’s healing to anyone who is suffering with PTSD, low confidence issues, stress, anxiety and/or grief. I am certain Natalia could help you.
To heal Neville from his complex PTSD, severe anxiety, stress, grief, depression, and confidence issues, I provided three sessions of holistic healing (an integration of hypnotherapy and spiritual energy healing).
I have been suffering from IBS for about 14 years. It started when I moved to the UK from overseas which in itself was stressful. The move coincided with a mild food poisoning, the symptoms of which never went away. Subsequently I was diagnosed as having IBS.
My most significant symptoms were feelings of incomplete evacuation and bloating. I had a constant sense of discomfort in my bowels throughout the day, which never seemed to go away. IBS negatively impacted on the quality of my life. I had low self-esteem, was constantly worried, developed a pessimistic attitude and constantly felt low. My IBS was always in the back of my mind at every moment of my life. I avoided socialising, eating out and meeting new people. It was not that I was a recluse, but it took a lot of physical and mental effort to go out and meet new people. I became very risk-averse and focused on the pessimistic scenarios rather than best-case outcomes.
I started seeing Natalia after she was suggested by my doctor at my annual health check-up. I was initially skeptical but since I had nothing to lose (given that I had many false starts to overcome IBS) I decided to give it a try.
The interesting thing about Natalia’s psycho-hypnotherapy (4 sessions, 2 hours each) approach as a therapist was that she tried to understand me as a whole person rather than just as an IBS patient. She went deep into the roots of what made me who I am, which provided some profound insights into myself and some of my IBS drivers. She made me talk about my childhood, adolescence, family, work, friends, and colleagues, to help me understand myself better.
Her sessions helped me to look at life from a positive perspective, made me less risk-averse and value the people around me. I started trying new approaches in my relationship with the people around me, gave up foods that I was attached to (due to IBS-induced dependency) and tried new foods that I was previously scared to eat (due to IBS).
I think Natalia’s method of approaching the problem as a whole, rather than as a part of him/her, makes a huge difference to the person’s view of the problem. Natalia uses her own life experience to give confidence about the ability to overcome challenges. She is able to use her power of persuasion (mind reprogramming) to open up and talk about the underlying challenges rather than symptoms.
In addition to helping me improve my IBS symptoms, I learnt a lot about myself and my approach to life by having sessions with Natalia. I would like to thank her for her guidance during this process.
To help Nial heal from severe IBS, I used my holistic approach of integrated psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and spiritual energy healing, which I call Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy. He improved rapidly after each session and reached his goal of recovering from his IBS within just four sessions.
I have had many hypnotherapy sessions with Natalia over the years for various issues and I can honestly say they have been eye-opening and life changing.
Natalia has the ability to reprogram your mind by searching deep in your soul while making you aware of your own source of pain or limitations. Natalia does not cure symptoms but tackles the root cause of these symptoms. She makes you feel comfortable discussing you inner thoughts, as she remains impartial and does not judge. I highly recommend Natalia’s services as she has lots of experience in dealing with matters of the mind.
To help Michael heal from his psychosomatic issues, relationship problems, and IBS, I provided holistic healing (an integration of hypnotherapy with spiritual energy healing).
I want to let you know that if you are not okay, come to see Natalia.
She can handle anything. Any psychological distress, your darkness, evilness, spirit possession, the visible and invisible. Nothing is a surprise or a judgment. Your trauma is her pain. She can heal it all and you will understand it all.
To help Falguni heal from issues of identity loss, depression, relationship problems, and intimacy problems, I provided holistic a approach of psychotherapy and spiritual energy healing (long term therapy/healing).
Natalia’s approach and wealth of experience chimed with my understanding of psychology, health and wellbeing. She utilised an effective range of tools and techniques to help me strip away the layers of redundant and unhealthy beliefs.
Natalia helped me to address core issues I had buried deep in my unconscious. Before Natalia’s healing sessions I used to be troubled, angry, with OCD and erectile dysfunction. I am very grateful for all the positive changes and experiences now in my life thanks to Natalia’s work.
To heal Steve’s deeply held self-destructive beliefs, manifesting as multiple mental and physical problems, I provided six sessions of holistic healing (a combination of psychotherapy and spiritual energy healing).
With Natalia there is a way out and you’re not alone in it. There are many other people suffering.
I was one of them and was afraid to reach out for help. With Natalia’s help, not only did I realise the importance of self-love but also how to be self-loving, all the time and unconditionally. How to have a good life for yourself and make it happen; to manifest all the things I want and just live a fulfilling life.
Before meeting Natalia, I didn’t know who I was and what I wanted. I experienced emotional ups and downs, self-neglect and self-deprivation. I couldn’t understand why I was suffering. I found Natalia through a referral and came to therapy to learn how to move on and fully heal. After each session, I felt significantly better without lapsing. I’ve noticed a difference in my everyday life, as a student, a family member, a friend and as a human, as if I was climbing a ladder higher and higher.
Natalia’s spiritual energy healing and psychotherapy helped me a lot. I learned how to have fun again, be spontaneous and not be in my shell. It healed my self-worth and self-confidence. My mood became stable as soon as I was cured from bipolar. Medications were no longer required as my mind illuminated.
Having psychotherapy and spiritual energy healing therapy with Natalia gives me hope and strength. After each session, I would leave feeling 100 times better and like I can achieve anything and do everything. I faced my fears and now I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, able to be me, be proud, and be happy with who I am. I feel great, achieving all my heart desires. Thank you Natalia.
If you are suffering with any mental, emotional, or psychological problems, I would recommend Natalia as she can truly heal. This healing brought me back to sanity and sound health. No mental health – no happiness, as Natalia says.
To help Terry heal from identity loss, severe anxiety, depression, delusion, speech problems, social problems, loss of direction, self-destruction, self-disconnection, hate, anger, a broken heart, bipolar and personality disorder, I provided a combination of psychotherapy and mind transformation with spiritual energy healing (short term therapy/healing).
Honestly I had no real expectations when I first went to Natalia.
I was familiar with hypnosis (hypnotherapy) and traditional therapy (psychotherapy, CBT) and none of it had helped me to deal with an essentially ugly and traumatic period that culminated in a crushing event. Still, with nothing left to lose, there was no real reason not to see her. To my utter amazement, I felt the beneficial effects right from the first session. In a brief period of time, she had me back to a healthy and functional mindset, which frankly I had thought would be out of reach for the rest of my days.
If I had to say what specific quality was most responsible for her being able to help me, I would probably say it’s a combination of factors, but they best come together in her overall professionalism. She is supremely objective, yet at the same time very compassionate. She is absolutely clear on how to get you to a healthy state but very flexible on how to get you there (depending on your specific personality and issues) and adapts to you as you change. Most important of all, she is no mere ‘talking therapist’. She actively uses hypnosis and other therapeutic methods to achieve tangible and meaningful results, even for a hardened skeptic like me.
I have worked and trained with recognised (and famous) world class hypnotists but I have not encountered one that is so careful and safe in using this scientific art to achieve a holistic healing of the individual at some very deep levels of their personality. I have since recommended Natalia to friends and strangers alike, simply because her ability is without a doubt of the very highest order. If you are wondering if she can help, yes she can. Even if, like me, you have no real hope of it. Please, don’t take my word for it, just go and see her and feel it happen for yourself.
To heal Giuseppe from various mental health issues, I provided a holistic approach of hypnotherapy integrated with spiritual energy healing known as my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy. Complex and longterm issues, including grief, trauma, anger, insomnia, loss of self, depression, and emotional suffering, ceased rapidly after our sessions positively healed all parts of his mind (conscious, subconscious, unconscious and DNA).
We live in a world from which we can close off and stop showing our true personalities. Doing sessions with Natalia helped me to open up in so many ways and find a lot of hidden inner qualities I wasn’t aware of.
With Natalia’s hypnotherapy and spiritual energy healing, I became aware of my own strength and power, so I begun making changes almost straight away. As I’ve personally done the session myself with Natalia, I knew this would be very good for football players, because they have a lot of limitations. A lot of things that hinder them performing to the next level. That is why we consulted Natalia to come up with a retreat and help us to remove any mental, psychological, or physical limitations.
After individual sessions with each player, I immediately started to see the changes in the boys. They can see the changes too – from kicking better and running faster to feeling more confident, and in less pain. With these sessions, I really started to realise it’s a mental thing as much as physical. So it’s been a very good experience to work together to work towards a common goal in a group session. We want to especially reinforce everybody’s confidence because people may seem confident but actually, they’re not. There’s always something that’s bringing them down, like creative doubts in their mind. So, the group session that we did helped a lot of the players talk about what they could actually change and what they’re good at and not focus on what they don’t have.
One of the players was moaning a lot for a bit of work. As soon as Natalia looked deep into his mind, she realised that his physical limitations and personality problems were a mental problem linked to his parents. After this, he has been training and not complaining. More confident and really reaping the benefits of that session.
I had a similar condition where I would wake up, unable to walk, and kept taking time off work. My body couldn’t take stress. Physically I couldn’t do it, my body wasn’t able to cope with the demands. I was ready mentally but couldn’t move forward as my body would give up on me. After one session with Natalia, I felt a lot better. The weight lifted off my shoulders. The session was really eye opening because I see what is real. Because you don’t realise it all the time, you have all these things that you do and all these habits that in the longterm are not really healthy. In these sessions you start to remove all of these negative feelings, because when you have negative feelings they can lead to depression.
I was able to walk after one session so it was very very enlightening. By removing the psychological and emotional blocks, my body started to feel lighter and better overall. It took just one session. I was really surprised. It was a two hour session. It was quite intense. We would look deep within a family tree. I think it was very good because this helped me to understand where my limitations stem from and how they impact my life and me as person. Consciously, I used to actually work towards those things every day but still wake up with swellings, swollen joints, and my feet swollen, so I wouldn’t be able to walk for about a week or two. Since the session with Natalia I’ve had no swelling and no physical or psychological limits or problems. If you’re not ok, come to see Natalia for help.
To help Mat heal from his joint pain, feet swelling, and stress, I provided holistic healing (an integration of hypnotherapy with spiritual energy healing). One two hour session positively transformed his mind on all levels (conscious, subconscious and unconscious). He experienced rapid and permanent physical relief, while the footballers in the group session were able to remove their mental limitations and significantly improve their performance.
I came to see Natalia last year. We were discussing my issues about worrying and anxiety, my inability to conceive a baby and about my real father, who left when I was tiny. I was also experiencing psychosomatic painful ‘bubbles’ of air in my tummy when I got stressed (which was a lot!) as well as severe anxiety, confidence problems, low self-worth and low self-esteem. We worked on these issues for three sessions. Well, I am due to give birth in two weeks to a little boy. Also, I haven’t had any painful ‘bubbles’ since! I am peaceful and calm. I just wanted to say thank you for the work you did with me and helping me. Many thanks again.
First, congratulations on your baby! To help Lora cease psychosomatic, chronic, debilitating pain and mental problems, I provided an integration of hypnotherapy and spiritual energy healing I call my Supreme Healing Holistic Therapy. Lora healed entirely from the psychosomatic and mental issues that were burdening her before our sessions.
Every case is unique and so are the needs of each patient. The healing journey can vary due to personal experiences, environment and personality. It has been my great honour to have been of service to Marcel. To witness his unlimited potential expand and become realised is one of the greatest blessings I have been fortunate to encounter.