The conscious mind, which houses our logic and willpower, is only about 5% of our mental power. You can think of the conscious mind as a flash drive with just enough room to store the memory of our more recent experiences, while the subconscious mind is an enormous computer that stores the memory of all of our experiences from when we first became conscious. In addition to storing the memory of our experiences, the subconscious mind also stores our core beliefs and habits, which grow out of those experiences. The subconscious mind often performs the same cognitive functions as the conscious mind.
- Your Mind is a Garden and your Thoughts are the Seeds. As Is the Thought, So Is the Result.
By using the power of the mind, we can dramatically change our personality and even our fate. A useful analogy for the mind is that of a garden. The thoughts are the seeds we plant into the garden of the mind and inevitably reap. A fruitful garden takes time to grow, takes constant care and love and requires patience for the sweet flowers to bloom. Thoughts cause action. Actions inevitably cause an effect. As is the action, so is the character. Character determines one’s destiny. Plant sacred thoughts to help you build a strong and powerful asset base within your mind. The key to a successful mind is to think moral and honourable thoughts!
- Design Your Thoughts Carefully, For They Shape Your Life
Seeing isn’t believing. Believing is seeing! Thinking positive will manifest into the same. Always stay positive and optimistic and the world will reflect back just the same. The law of life is the law of belief and by changing, feeding and nurturing your thoughts you can truly change, shape and transform your world.
- What Your Mind Thinks Your Brain Will Act Out: Feed Your Mind With Your Goals and Visions.
Like a good captain can steer and direct his ship and his crew, to fully utilize your mind you must have clear goals. Imprint your goals visually in your mind and believe that you can achieve them. If you’re working hard to achieve a business or personal goal – have a positive attitude telling yourself, ‘I can and will achieve this goal’ and you will find that your progress towards these goals will come more naturally.
- Build a Successful Personality With Selfless Service
Service to humanity is the highest form of spiritual practice. It does not need to be perfect, doing your best is enough.
- Listen To Your Heart, Not Your Mind
Your mind is your instrument but it needs to be directed. Stay true to yourself, not your mind.
- Accept and Value Your Uniqueness
Your uniqueness is good and of huge value to others. Be yourself. Yourself is not your changeable thoughts or aging body. Ask yourself, who am I? If your mind is providing you with hindrances, challenge it! Your mind should be supportive and helpful to who you are, for you are Divinity itself!
- Choose To Be Happy
Only you can make yourself feel happy, as only you have the power to control the thoughts which trigger your feelings. The most important thing is to make yourself happy – you are the most important person you need to please. If it is right for you, it is right for the world – the mirror of you.
- Follow three ‘Ps’
Purity, patience, perseverance – when you have these three you will have no disease.
If you’re looking for help to heal and elevate your mind, I would be very happy to help you. Start seeing the curative benefits and positive changes immediately with my S.C. Holistic Therapy, please see the testimonials.
Contact me on +44 (0) 7848 004400, or email: for a 60-minute initial consultation session to assess your conditions and devise a bespoke treatment plan.
Natalia Nad, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, NLP, Theta Healer, Energy-Spiritual Healer, Medium: S.C. Holistic Therapy.